Kurkistus Cassandran kodin alakertaan
Huonekaluni ovat sekalainen kokoelma uutta ja modernia, vanhahkoa ja vanhanaikaistakin. Maku ja mieltymykset ovat vuosien saatossa muuttuneet, mutta en nyt kuitenkaan ole lähtenyt vaihtamaan esim. ulkomaan komennukselta mukaan tarttuneita pähkinäpuun värisiä aasialaiskalusteita kerralla valkoisiin vain sen vuoksi, että olen kyllästynyt niihin ja haluaisin kaikkien puukalusteiden olevan valkoisia. Toisaalta se voisi olla aika tylsääkin niin, joten yritän sovitella uusia ja vanhoja huonekaluja parhaani mukaan samaan tilaan. Niinpä meillä on valkoista, mustaa ja pähkinänväristä kalustetta...ja lattiat ovat tammen väriset.
Kuten kaikki kissaihmiset tietävät, kissojen kanssa asuva ei voi valita kotiinsa ihan mitä tahansa materiaaleja, sillä nämä pikku otukset valitsevat siekailematta raapimisalustakseen sen kalleimman ja kauneimman sohvamateriaalin, jos se vain heitä sattuu miellyttämään. Tästä samasta syystä meillä ei ole enää viherkasvejakaan, aidoista leikkokukista puhumattakaan. En erityisemmin välitä silkkikukista, mutta niitä meillä nyt on. Olohuoneen sohva on siis nahkaa, mutta siihenkin on jo ilmestynyt niitä "elämisen jälkiä", kun kisut jahtaavat toisiaan pitkin sohvan selkänojia. Takavuosien suosikkimateriaali alcantara oli varsin kissankestävä mutta enää en sitä kotiini kuitenkaan haluaisi, joten tyydymme tähän ja peitämme pintoja epätoivoisesti milloin milläkin torkkupeitolla.
A peek in Cassandra's home: downstairs
We live in a quite typical Finnish-style home which could perhaps be described as a duplex - a row of homes put together in pairs, each pair being separated by a few metres of lawn and hedges. Our downstairs living quarters are based on an open plan consisting of kitchen, dining area, living room and with the toilet and a small utility room in the foyer. The entrance is downstairs and the foyer is delightfully spacious, which you learn to appreciate when you have little people around. Due to the open plan, placing the furniture has been challenging to say the least and after two years, I am still pondering how I could improve it.
My furniture is a combination of new and modern, of oldish and even old-fashioned. My tastes and preferences have changed over the years but I am too sensible to get rid of all the walnut-coloured Asian style furniture just because I happen to be more inclined to white furniture at the moment. Therefore I now have white, black and walnut furniture at the moment...on an oak parquet flooring!
As known to all cat owners, living with cats sets some restrictions to materials as given a chance, our little furry friends just love to use your most precious fabric as their scratching pad. What is more, we have hardly any live plants or flowers. I am not too keen on "silk" flowers but I must admit we have some of those in vases. The living room sofa is leather even though that has also been somewhat tuned by the kitties roaming wild in the evening. Despite its great qualities for cat households, alcantara is no longer an option for me so suffice to say I desperately try to cover our sofas with whatever throw that happens to be around.
We live in a quite typical Finnish-style home which could perhaps be described as a duplex - a row of homes put together in pairs, each pair being separated by a few metres of lawn and hedges. Our downstairs living quarters are based on an open plan consisting of kitchen, dining area, living room and with the toilet and a small utility room in the foyer. The entrance is downstairs and the foyer is delightfully spacious, which you learn to appreciate when you have little people around. Due to the open plan, placing the furniture has been challenging to say the least and after two years, I am still pondering how I could improve it.
My furniture is a combination of new and modern, of oldish and even old-fashioned. My tastes and preferences have changed over the years but I am too sensible to get rid of all the walnut-coloured Asian style furniture just because I happen to be more inclined to white furniture at the moment. Therefore I now have white, black and walnut furniture at the moment...on an oak parquet flooring!
As known to all cat owners, living with cats sets some restrictions to materials as given a chance, our little furry friends just love to use your most precious fabric as their scratching pad. What is more, we have hardly any live plants or flowers. I am not too keen on "silk" flowers but I must admit we have some of those in vases. The living room sofa is leather even though that has also been somewhat tuned by the kitties roaming wild in the evening. Despite its great qualities for cat households, alcantara is no longer an option for me so suffice to say I desperately try to cover our sofas with whatever throw that happens to be around.
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